Getting Started

Remote Storage

Access your remote storage locally or from external Nuxt projects with our secured proxy.

One of the main features of NuxtHub is the ability to access your remote storage from your local environment or from external Nuxt projects. This is made possible by our secured proxy system.

You need to have deployed your project in order to use this feature.

There are two ways to use the remote storage:

  • Local development: Access your remote storage from your local environment, useful for sharing your database, KV, and blob data with your team or work with your production data.
  • External Nuxt projects: Access your remote storage from another Nuxt project, useful if your frontend is deployed on a different hosting platform and you want to use your NuxtHub project as a backend.

Local Development

Once your project is deployed, you can use the remote storage in your local project.

Start your Nuxt project with:

npx nuxt dev --remote

The development project will now use the remote storage from your deployed project and these logs should happen in your terminal:

 Using production environment
 Using remote storage from
 Remote storage available: database, kv, blob
That's it! Your local project is now using the remote storage from your deployed project.

To always use the remote storage in your local project in development, you can use the remote option in your nuxt.config file:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // Apply only in development
  $development: {
    hub: {
      remote: true
You should not use the remote option in your nuxt.config file in production if you are deploying your project to NuxtHub or Cloudflare Pages. Use it in production only when you are connecting from other Nuxt projects.
NuxtHub will use the remote storage from your deployed project as long as you are logged in with the NuxtHub CLI and the local project is linked to a NuxtHub project with nuxthub link or nuxthub deploy.

Production vs Preview

Based on your current git branch, NuxtHub will either use your production or preview environment. You can configure your production environment in your project settings on the NuxtHub Admin, default is set to main.

To force a specific environment, you can set the value to the --remote option:

# Force remote storage from the production environment
npx nuxt dev --remote=production

# Force remote storage from the preview environment
npx nuxt dev --remote=preview

You can also set the remote options in your nuxt.config file to force a specific environment:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // Apply only in development
  $development: {
    hub: {
      // Force remote storage to preview environment
      remote: 'preview'


If you are not using the NuxtHub Admin to manage your project, you can still use the remote storage in your local development environment.

  1. Set the NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_SECRET_KEY environment variable in your Cloudflare Pages project settings and retry the last deployment to apply the changes (you can generate a random secret on
  2. Set the same NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_SECRET_KEY and NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_URL environment variables in your local project

Then, start your Nuxt project with:

npx nuxt dev --remote
NuxtHub will use the remote data from your deployed project as long as the NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_SECRET_KEY matches the one in your Cloudflare Pages project settings.
You cannot specify the environment (production or preview) when using the remote option with a self-hosted project since you specify the deployed URL with the NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_URL environment variable.

External Nuxt Projects

It is possible to use the remote storage from another Nuxt project. This can be useful if your frontend is deployed on another hosting platform and you want to use your NuxtHub as your backend.

To access your remote storage from another Nuxt project:

  1. Install @nuxthub/core to your project:
pnpm add @nuxthub/core
  1. Add it to the extends section in your nuxt.config and set the remote option to true:
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  extends: ['@nuxthub/core'],
  hub: {
    remote: true
  1. Add the NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_URL and NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_SECRET_KEY environment variables to your project:

If you haven't, set the NUXT_HUB_PROJECT_SECRET_KEY environment variable in your NuxtHub deployed project and make sure to redeploy.

You can now use the remote storage from your NuxtHub project in your external Nuxt project (both locally and in production).